Approval For Public Mass


On May 22, our Bishop has approved public worship to resume in the Diocese of Syracuse beginning on Pentecost Sunday. This can occur either in parking lots at 50% capacity, with the faithful remaining in their cars, or inside churches with no more than ten people, following the revised executive order of the governor. However, they do expect the number of people to change, and we’ll update you when this happens. We also received several pages of directives for the clergy with specific guidelines and regulations that must be observed before this can occur. Every parish must follow the instructions we were sent, and then submit a form to the chancery for it to be approved before these Masses can resume in the Church.

Therefore, I have decided it is better that I continue to minister to 70 – 80 people each week at our outdoor rosaries and prayers at 5:00 pm Saturday and 10:00 am Sunday, until I can allow more people to attend the public Masses. I will offer a private Mass on Sunday with ten people present. In addition, I will begin to offer daily Masses in the Chapel three days a week with no more than 10 people present at 9:00 am, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. You must call Faye Jones at the Parish Office (315-689-6240 exr. 111) if you wish to attend any of these Masses, per Diocesan instructions. 

Last Saturday Tom Maguire, the Associate Editor of the Catholic Sun was present at our Saturday evening rosary. He took pictures and interviewed some of our parishioners for an article to be published this week in the Catholic Sun. He was amazed at the number of cars and the enthusiasm and prayerfulness of all those present. I hope you are able to read his article and let us together be very proud of what has occurred at St. Patrick’s since March 21-22, our ten weeks of prayer!

Thank you for your patience and understanding and your love and devotion to St. Patrick’s in Jordan and for your wonderful attendance at our outdoor rosaries. May I again express my gratitude for your sacrificial gifts and offerings to the church that helps us to meet our ordinary expenses. 

Love and prayers,

 Fr. DeLorenzo


The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in Himself. It is therefore, the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the hierarchy of the truths of faith. (Catechism of the Catholic Faith #234)


Almighty God, Father, Son and Spirit, who is power, wisdom, and love, inspire in us those same three things: power to serve You, wisdom to please You, and love to accomplish Your will. The power that I may do, wisdom that I may know what to do, and love that I may be Moved to do all that is pleasing to You.


You may enroll your father in a special novena of nine Masses for all our fathers to begin on Father’s Day, June 21ST. The forms are available in the parish center vestibule and they include the dates that the Masses will be celebrated. Please fill out the form, writing clearly your father’s name or the name of the man, or men, you wish to have Masses offered for, mark “living” or “deceased” and your name. Please place the form in an envelope with your offering marked “Father’s Day Novena,” or use the special envelopes you received in your envelope packet, or those at the Center entrances, and drop it in the collection basket or at the Parish Office, or put it in the mail. If your father is living, you can stop in at the Center and pick up a beautiful Spiritual Bouquet card to present to your father for Father’s Day. All requests MUST BE IN BY TUESDAY, JUNE 16th. Thank you. 


To all who need comfort,

To all who need friendship,

To all who are lonely and need


To all who want sheltering love,

to those who need a Savior,

To all who would serve a living

God. Whosoever will,

This church opens wide its doors

and in the name of Jesus says,



It has come to my attention that someone has been sending e-mails and texting some of my parishioners impersonating me. Please know that I will NEVER text or send e-mails to you personally asking for money or favors. IF I need to contact you, I will do so through the church phone numbers exclusively. 

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